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Get Ready for Spring: Tips to Keep Your Pet Allergy-Free

Springtime means flowers blooming, sun shining, and also potential pet allergies! Due to the increase of pollen, spores, and grass blades in the air, the likelihood of your cats or dogs getting a seasonal allergy or coming into contact with a poisonous plant increases. According to ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), plants like Adam-and-Eve, Elephant’s Ear, and Birds of Paradise are all toxic to household pets.

Some of these flowers and allergens cause severe discomfort that may be fatal to your pet or produce painful skin irritations. Fortunately, you can take many simple steps to reduce pet allergen exposure and keep your pet allergy-free this season. HICC PET™ offers 10 tips to ensure your pet stays allergy-free this spring!

How Springtime Allergies Affect Pets 

Various environmental factors, such as pollen, dust mites, mold, and other allergens, can cause allergies in pets. These allergens can be especially prevalent during the spring season, leading to increased pet allergies. Symptoms of pet allergies can include sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, and watery eyes. If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a veterinarian to determine the cause and best course of treatment.

Common Springtime Allergies in Cats and Dogs?

There are a few common irritants to watch out for this spring. By identifying common springtime allergies and symptoms, you can avoid an allergic reaction in your pet. Common springtime pet allergens include: 

  • Pollen
  • Grass, 
  • Dust mites
  • Fleas

Symptoms of allergies in cats and dogs can include: 

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing, 
  • Itchy skin,
  • Watery eyes
  • Whining
  • Skin inflammation
  • Hot spots
  • Dry, patchy fur 

Do Pet Allergies Get Worse in Spring?

Yes, allergies in pets can get worse in the spring due to increased pollen levels and other environmental allergens. Allergies can cause various symptoms in pets that may get worse over time. Rashes break out in a localized area or several areas around the body. Coughing and sneezing may indicate ingesting an allergen like grass or pollen. 

Specific allergies produce dry skin in pets, causing itching and open wounds. Luckily, many natural pet products fight and prevent allergies in pets. If the infection looks severe or worse with time, consult a veterinarian to determine the best treatment for your pet’s allergies.

How to Get Rid of Pet Allergens in Your Home

You can take several steps to help reduce allergies in your pets at home. 

  • Keep your pet’s living area clean and free of dust and dander. 
  • Vacuum and mop regularly, and use an air purifier to help reduce allergens.
  • Bathe your pet regularly to help reduce the number of allergens on their fur. 
  • Use pet-safe cleaning products to reduce allergens in your home.
  • Consider using an allergen-reducing shampoo or supplement for your pet.

Grooming Tips to Reduce Pet Allergens

Regular pet grooming is essential to reduce the levels of pet allergens in your home. Consider taking your pet to the groomer to have them shaved down, washed, or lightly trimmed. Pet owners may also use pet shampoo and conditioner to help reduce the amount of pet dander released into the air. Regularly brushing your pet’s hair removes any excess fur or dander built up on your pet.

Keeping Your Pet Healthy to Reduce Allergens

In addition to regular grooming, you should ensure your pet is healthy. This means feeding them a balanced diet, allowing them to play outdoors and exercise frequently, and taking them to the vet for checkups and vaccinations. A healthy pet will produce fewer allergens, so keeping your pet in tip-top shape is essential! 

Cleaning Tips to Reduce Pet Allergens

In addition to grooming and maintaining your pets’ health, it is also essential to keep your home clean. Vacuum frequently and use a damp cloth to mop floors and furniture. Use an air purifier to help reduce the levels of dander and spores in the air. Avoid using household products that may cause skin irritations or poison your pet. Read the labels to ensure you buy pet-safe cleaning products for your household. Additionally, consistently wash bedding, towels, and other items your pet may come in contact with.

Tips for Dealing With Dog Allergies in Spring

If you have a dog, there are several steps you can take to reduce the levels of pet allergens in your home. First, brush your dog regularly to remove any excess fur or dander. If your dog loves going outside, try to limit their exposure to pollen and other allergens by keeping them on a leash and away from heavy traffic areas. 

Before entering, use a hypoallergenic or antibacterial pet wipe to remove any caked dirt on the paws, coat, or face. If your dog looks or smells soiled, wipe them down from head to toe or consider bathing them. 

Tips for Dealing With Cat Allergies in Spring

Similar to dogs, cats also experience painful and irritating allergies. When cats come into contact with their allergen, excessive itching or red, inflamed skin may occur. The best option is to monitor your cat and keep them away from the source of its allergy. Your cat’s diet may be the culprit for certain conditions like atopic dermatitis. 

Poor-quality food can produce allergy-like symptoms in cats. Identifying your pet’s allergy may be challenging. For extreme cases, consult your veterinarian. Groom your cat regularly to keep contact allergies off. If your cat loves the outdoors, limit their outdoor time until you know how to manage its allergy. Also, try using air purifiers to help reduce the levels of pet allergens in your home.

Allergy-Friendly Pet Supplies

A variety of pet supplies available can help reduce the levels of pet allergens in your home. For the best skin allergy healing products, we recommend HICC PET™ products. Products like anti-itch pet spray, antibacterial pet grooming wipes, open wound healing solutions, and more treat, heal and prevent allergies in pets. 

Wear the pet wipe glove and wipe the itch away for a healthier and itch-free solution. The disinfecting properties absorb underneath your pet’s coats to cleanse, eliminate bacteria, and soften coat texture. Additionally, look for pet beds, toys, and other items designed to be hypoallergenic.

Try HICC PET Products to Keep Your Pets Allergy-Free 

Spring is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your pets! That’s why HICC PET™ creates 100% natural pet skin products to stop pet allergies before they start. We hate to see our pets helplessly itching their skin. Our pet cleaning wipes combat allergy-producing bacteria, leaving pet skin calm and itch-free. 

Our positive testimonials from hundreds of customers allow us to continue to develop unique pet wellness products that are pet-safe and free of toxic ingredients. Use our products on your pet’s body, face, mouth, and private areas for a clean feel. Following the tips outlined in this article, you can enjoy a pet allergy-free spring and make the most of the season!

So, don’t let allergies stop you from enjoying the beauty of spring - get ready to keep your pet allergy-free this season! Subscribe to our community online, and don’t forget to share your pet allergy-free tips with us in the comments below!

Please note that the information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not veterinarians, and the content shared here should not be considered professional veterinary advice.

If you have any questions regarding copyrights or the use of materials in this article, please contact us for clarification.



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