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featured image for blog on 5 essentials you need this fall for your pet's health. a man in a red jacket, black vest and black pants is holding a treat up for a husky with brown fur. The husky is jumping into the air to catch the treat.

5 Fall Essentials for Your Pet’s Health

As we fall into the Fall season, new challenges arise as we try to take the best care of our pets. From allergies to dry skin and more, there are many conditions and issues along with their symptoms that arise during pup-kin spice latte season. HICC Pet® is here to help with the fall essentials for your pet’s health this season with the healing benefits of fermented coconut oil and hypochlorous acid.

What To Watch For This Fall Season


Each season can come with its own set of allergies, which affect pets all over their entire body. But this isn’t Spring or Summer, how are there allergens in the Fall season? Certain plants happen to release pollen during the season. Some offending plants include sagebrush, goldenrod and pigweed. More damp and rainy weather can increase the likelihood of mold, such as in piles of wet leaves. Another source of allergies is dust mites and dust, which can lead to allergies when the heater is turned on for the first time of the season. The symptoms of Fall allergies in dogs and cats include:

  • Excessive grooming
  • Itching
  • Scratching
  • Watery Eyes
  • Paw Chewing
  • Skin Irritation or Hotspots
  • Sneezing
  • Ear Infections
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Excessive Shedding

Dry Skin

The Fall season isn’t only a time for allergies but a time for dry skin. While allergies is a cause of dry skin during this time, it’s not the only cause. The drop in humidity levels results in drier air which can aggravate the skin, especially for those pets who already suffer from a condition such as eczema.

1. Deodorizing Pet Glove Wipes

HICC Pet®’s Deodorizing Pet Glove Wipes are essential for your pet’s health during the autumn season. As the weather cools, you may not be bathing your pet as frequently, but this doesn’t mean they stop the antics that cause them to get dirty. In fact, they may get dirtier during this time due to rainy weather and some dogs’ love for jumping in puddles. The Deodorizing Glove Wipes are the perfect solution for keeping your pet clean between bathes. These wipes can also help remove allergens that have stuck to your pet’s coat and paws



2. Gentle Antimicrobial Pet Eye Rinse

One of the body parts affected by allergies is the eyes. Allergies can bring on red, swollen, watery eyes that are uncomfortable. Pets may scratch the area around their eyes excessively which also runs the risk of scratching their cornea. HICC Pet® Antimicrobial Eye Rinse with hypochlorous acid soothes irritated eyes, removes allergens that may have gotten in their eyes, and heals any potential scratches along with preventing potential infections.



3. Hypoallergenic Pet Eye Wipes

You can add Hypoallergenic Eye Wipes to your list of fall essentials for your pet’s health. HICC Pet® Eye Wipes is just another solution for your pet’s eyes during the fall. As mentioned before, allergies can affect the eyes. You can help clear the area around your pet’s eyes such as tear stains caused by watery eyes and soothe the inflamed area with the plant-based ingredients in these wipes such as fermented coconut oil and aloe vera extract.



4. Pet Skin Care Spray

HICC Pet® Skin Care Spray with hypochlorous acid holds the power to help heal dry skin from the low humidity, skin irritated from allergies, cracked paws and to treat wounds as well as provide hydration to the affected areas. The 3.4 oz version is the perfect essential for your pet’s health to keep with you on the go for fall camping trips and hikes for any potential injuries.



5. Pet Ear Relief Finger Wipes

With the increased allergens and moisture in the air which can lead to ear infections, HICC Pet® Ear Relief Finger Wipes can make routine ear cleaning simple. The finger-shaped glove makes them easy to use as they fit perfectly on your finger for controlled cleaning. The fermented coconut oil and other plant-based ingredients aid in soothing and cleaning. This fall essential for your pet’s health can prevent unnecessary discomfort or trips to the vet.




As the Fall season brings cooler weather and allergens, your pet’s health needs extra care. HICC Pet® offers natural, effective solutions like hypochlorous acid and fermented coconut oil products to tackle common seasonal issues such as dry skin, ear infections, and irritated eyes. From Ear Finger Wipes to Eye Rinses, these must-haves ensure your pet stays clean, comfortable, and healthy all season long. Make your pet’s Fall care routine easier with HICC Pet®'s gentle, healing products that promote overall well-being. Explore the collection today for the Fall essentials for your pet’s health.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not veterinarians, and the content shared here should not be considered professional veterinary advice.

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