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Safe and Exciting Water Activities for You and Your Pet

Safe and Exciting Water Activities for You and Your Pet

Summertime brings the perfect opportunity to enjoy water activities with our beloved pets. Whether it's at the lake, river, or ocean, these experiences can be extremely fun for both pet and owner as well as improve your bond. However, ensuring safety and proper preparation is crucial for a fun and worry-free time. In this guide, we will explore a variety of summer water activities with pets including swimming, boating, and paddle boarding while emphasizing the importance of safety and preparation.


Swimming is an activity that many dogs enjoy. It’s an excellent source of exercise that helps improve cardiovascular health and muscle strengthening while putting less pressure on the body. Moreover, swimming is suitable for all types of water bodies, including lakes, rivers, and oceans, providing pets with an enjoyable and versatile way to stay active while staying cool during the summer months.

Teaching Your Pet to Swim and Swim Safety

Not all dogs can just take to water immediately and know how to swim, especially certain breeds. Breeds such as Duck Rolling Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Portugese Water Dog are just a few examples of breeds that immediately take to water as it’s a part of their original breeding purpose. Many dogs need help in the beginning to strengthen their skill and become more confident in the water. Along with that, certain breeds need to use life jackets as they can be quite dense such as French and English Bulldogs or those with short legs with long bodies. You can take some advice in this article on how to get started with teaching your dog to swim.

And don’t forget, some cats like to swim too! While this isn’t as common, certain cats have become accustomed to or immediately take it. Just look at famous cats such as Bodhi the Adventure Cat and Hester is Not a Cat.

Keep in mind that all dogs and cats should wear life jackets when boating or paddle boarding and you aren’t close to shore. They should also be supervised at all times. Pets are also at risk of ear infections after swimming and to prevent this, rinse out their ears with HICC Pet®  Hypochlorous Acid Ear Rinse  and do one last clean out with the Ear Finger Cleaning Wipes.

Finding Safe Swimming Spots

Not all bodies of water or beaches are pet-friendly. Many places don’t allow pets or have certain areas that are pet-friendly but aside from that, not all water is safe. Check for calm rivers or beaches that have minimal waves. Before going to a swimming spot, review the water quality, especially as blue-green algae, formally known as Cyanobacteria , is extremely toxic to pets and has led to many fatalities. It is found in lakes, ponds, and rivers and has been popping up in many bodies of water.


Going out on the water on a boat with your pet can make for a fun water day. Whether it's out on the lake or in the ocean,

Heading out on the water with your pet can be an enjoyable and bonding experience. Boating and kayaking with pets is suitable for lakes and rivers, providing an opportunity for you and your pet to explore and have fun together. Understanding the best practices and essentials for a safe and enjoyable experience is key.

Safety Tips for Boating

Boating with your dog can make for a fun day on the water but it can go wrong very quickly if the proper precautions are not implemented. The following tips can help ensure your day boating runs smoothly and safely:

  • Keep dogs in a lifejacket at all times, no matter how good of a swimmer they are.

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure

  • Put sunscreen on your dog, especially those with very thin and light fur where you can easily see the skin.

  • Keep them leashed if there’s a chance of them jumping in the water to chase something.


Paddleboarding happens to be an activity that has gained great popularity over the years and now paddleboarding with your dog or cat is picking up as well. It’s both a fun and challenging activity and bringing your pet along can provide excellent bonding time. But don’t just stick them on the board and push out without being prepared.

Train Your Pet for Paddleboarding and Being Prepared

You usually can’t just put your pet on a paddleboard and expect them to be comfortable, keep their balance and not jump off at the first opportunity. Before getting started, make sure you have a proper paddleboard. Those meant for dogs are often wider and those that are over 10 ft. long are more stable. You can probably just use your standard paddleboard if you’re out with your cat or smaller dogs.

Pets should know their basic commands such as “sit” or “place”. Next is getting them to become acclimated to the board in a comfortable environment such as your home or backyard. Next, you’ll want to practice getting on and off as well as special commands for doing so. When you’re out on your first trip, practice at the shore in the shallow water to allow them to get used to the way a paddleboard moves. Learn more about training your pet to go paddleboarding here.

Safety for Paddleboarding With Your Pet

Your pet should always have a life jacket on when out on a paddleboard. You usually go far out from the shore and jumping off a tipping paddleboard can leave your pet disoriented. You should also keep enough water for the two of you to prevent dehydration out in the sun, especially since you should be discouraging your pet to not drink the water from the lake or ocean.


In conclusion, enjoying water activities with your pet can lead to unforgettable moments and a strengthened bond. Whether it's swimming, boating, or paddleboarding, prioritizing safety and preparation is essential. By following the safety tips and using the recommended products such as  ear rinse and ear cleaning wipes, you can ensure a fun and worry-free experience for both you and your beloved pet. And remember to give them a wipe down with HICC Pet® Grooming Glove Wipes to keep your pet squeaky clean. So, get ready to make a splash and create lasting memories with your furry friend!

Please note that the information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not veterinarians, and the content shared here should not be considered professional veterinary advice.

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