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How to Manage Your Cat's Spring Fever: Expert Advice on What to Do

As the days get longer and the weather warms up, cats can get antsy.  It’s a phenomenon known as spring fever and it affects cats of all ages. But what is spring fever in cats, and how can you manage it? In this blog post, HICC PET™ delivers expert advice on what to do if your cat has spring fever.

What Is Cat Spring Fever? 

Spring fever in cats is a form of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that happens in the spring season. During this time, cats become more restless and active than usual. In some cases, cats may even develop separation anxiety or become overly clingy. Generally, cats with spring fever will display signs of excessive energy, restlessness, and an inability to focus.

Causes of Spring Fever in Cats? 

There are a few possible causes of spring fever in cats. One of the most common is the increase in daylight hours that comes with the spring season. This can cause cats to become more active and restless due to the longer days. Cats may also become overstimulated due to the increased activity of birds and other animals in warmer weather. Finally, cats may experience boredom due to the lack of activity during the winter months, leading to a natural desire to release energy. 

Signs of Spring Fever in Cats

When cats experience spring fever they may run around, play more, or get clingy, following you around. If you see any of these signs, your cat may be getting their seasonal spring fever itch: 

  • More lively or rowdy behavior 
  • Meowing or howling more
  • Waking up at earlier hours 
  • Shedding more than usual 
  • Increased appetite
  • Yearning to go outside more often
  • Desire to mate 
  • Heightened aggression

These are a few signs of spring fever in cats. Some cats even forget their litter box training and urinate or defecate around the house. Luckily, there are ways to manage your cat’s behavior while also tending to its instincts. 

Treating Spring Fever in Cats

The first step in managing spring fever in cats is ensuring they get enough mental and physical stimulation. Provide your cat with plenty of toys, interactive play activities, diet and lifestyle changes, and mental stimulation. Take them on daily walks and provide them with plenty of space to run and explore. If you notice any signs of spring fever in your feline, here are some simple tricks to calm their behavior: 

More Exercise and Playtime

Your cat’s energy will be at peak levels due to its wild nature. The best way to combat this is stimulating your cat with playtime physically. Lay more toys around the house, or find some cool DIY cat toy projects to try at home. Anything that grabs your cat’s attention, like moving objects, cat trees, scratch posts, and more, will help reduce their energy. 

Allow Your Cat to Go Outdoors

If your cat is meowing like crazy, it may want to spend some time in the sun. Indoor cats love to go outside when experiencing spring fever. If you’re worried about your cat running off, lease them up and take them on a pleasant 30-minute walk. If you own a backyard, consider using a cat gate or barrier to prevent your cat from running off. Ultimately, your cat gets to exert their spring fever energy without worry. 

Use a Cat Grooming Tool to Decrease Shedding

When cats experience spring fever, they tend to shed more. Shedding happens when their bodies prepare for warmer weather. A simple grooming tool for shedding cats will minimize the hair left around the house. For the best results, we recommend using a slicker brush for cats or a cat grooming glove wipe. Both products decrease cat hair while providing a stimulating massage experience. 

Spay Your Cat at the Vet

If your cat has spring fever, start with the reproductive organs. Getting your cat spayed if you haven’t done so is an ideal way to reduce spring fever. Their sex organs increase their desire to mate and yearning for the outdoors. Schedule an appointment with your vet as soon as possible if this is the case. Post-surgery pets require lots of attention and wound care. Use a post-surgery antibacterial pet spray to clean and rapidly heal the surgery site wound. 

Diet Changes for Cats With Spring Fever

On top of providing your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, consider making a few diet changes. Diet is essential for cats with spring fever to help regulate their energy levels and provides them with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. A balanced diet can also help reduce spring fever symptoms, such as increased activity and restlessness. 

Ensure your cat eats a balanced, nutrient-rich diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Keep them well-hydrated and avoid processed foods or foods high in sugar. Finally, ensure your cat has plenty of safe spaces to explore and hide.

Critical Takeaways for Dealing With Spring Fever in Cats 

A summary of tips for dealing with spring fever in cats:

  • Provide your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Try interactive play activities, daily walks, plenty of toys, and scratching posts to manage their symptoms. 
  • Feed your cat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
  • Ensure your cat gets enough water and avoids processed and sugary foods. 
  • Offer your cat plenty of safe spaces to explore and hide.
  • Allow them to play outdoors in the sun for an adequate amount of time. Limit long-term sun exposure to protect your cat’s delicate skin.  

Manage Cat Spring Fever With HICC PET™

Spring fever in cats is a common phenomenon affecting cats of all ages. If your cat is showing signs of spring fever, it’s essential to take steps to manage the situation. HICC PET is a top pet wellness brand offering natural skin care products for pets and valuable tips from experts.

We provide holistic cat grooming products, from our fine bristle brushes to our soothing pet glove wipes, ideal for cats that shed or have sensitive skin. With the proper management techniques, you can help your cat manage their spring fever and get back to feeling their best. For more helpful pet care tips and products, visit us online or subscribe to our pet community on Facebook!  

Please note that the information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not veterinarians, and the content shared here should not be considered professional veterinary advice.

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