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Venus Williams and Harry on the tennis court

Game, Set, Fetch: The Unbreakable Bond Between Venus Williams and Her Furry Best Friend Harry

When we think of Venus Williams, the first thing that comes to mind is her incredible talent on the tennis court, but did you know the seven-time Grand Slam champion is also a devoted dog mom? Venus Williams is coined as the ultimate dog mom for her unbreakable relationship with her furry companion, Harry. Here's a closer look at Venus and Harry's spunky life. 

When Harry Met Venus 

Venus Williams adopted Harry in 2007, a sweet and scruffy Havanese. Venus always loved the idea of a dog, but it wasn't until she and Harry locked eyes that she had to have him.

Havanese breeds have a naturally playful and affectionate nature. As a seven-time grand slam winner (winning all four championships within a single year), it's only natural that Venus teamed up with a pup that can keep up with her on and off the tennis court. Their inseparable 16-year relationship embodies the ultimate puppy-owner lifestyle we all want to share with our furry loves. 

Harry's Adventurous Lifestyle

From NBA court shows to traveling the world together, it's a certified fact that Venus and Harry's bond is undeniable. At Venus’ side, Harry lives the doggy high-life jet setting on global journeys, public engagements, beach days and more. If you can't catch them in person, you can spot their next adventure on Venus’ Instagram account, @venuswilliams, where fans can follow along.   

One of their most memorable events was an international trip to Rome, Italy. They indulged in Italian delicacies, strolled the Colosseum and captured snapshots at the ancient ruins. One of the photos leaves Harry with a grin from ear to ear that Venus captioned, "Harry with that gone with the wind attitude, 'Frankly, I don't give a damn."

Venus' Commitment to Health, Wellness and Animal Welfare

Venus is committed to staying in physical shape as a professional athlete. She also knows that caring for her mental health is just as important. That's where Harry comes in. 

Research has shown that spending time with pets can help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Venus has spoken openly about Harry's positive impact on her mental clarity. 

Venus is a passionate advocate for animal welfare. She consistently partners with nonprofits and top pet brands to promote healthy eating, living actively with one's pets and caring for stray animals. 

Related Post: 11 Best National Parks to Visit With Your Dog

Venus credits Harry's youthful spirit and active lifestyle to their non-stop escapades and switching to a higher quality dog food. This is just the beginning of a long and abundant life with her healthy Havanese. 

Venus and Harry: The Dynamic Duo 

Venus Williams and Harry are a true power duo. Whether playing tennis, going on road trips or lounging at home, Venus and Harry inspire pet lovers everywhere. By prioritizing their health and happiness, they're living their best lives together and proving the bond between a human and their pet is extraordinary.

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