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How to Clean Your Dog After a Walk? | Blog HICC PET

How to Clean Your Dog's Paw After a Walk?

It is time to walk the dog! Puppies are just so outdoorsy. They have excessive energy and need to go out to practice their social skills. They love to roll over in the grass and soil when they play outside. However, you might get bothered by their dirty paws when they mess up your car seat or carpet every time you come home, and might be too busy to bathe them every day after a walk. Besides, over-bathing them can also dry out their skin.

So, why you should walk your dog? And what can you do to easily clean them up?

Benefits Of Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog is beneficial for their physical health. According to VCA Hospitals, "It is estimated that about 50% of dogs in the United States are overweight and 25-30% of dogs are obese." Obesity reduces a dog's lifespan. It can bring diseases and cause health issues to your pup. On the contrary, regular exercise for a dog can burn calories and increase blood circulation. Walking is a good way to boost their metabolism and boost their immune system.

Dogs are very energetic. You must allow them to release their excessive energy. If they stay in the house for too long, they can become bored. It can lead to destructive behavior, such as chewing the couch. Thus, regularly playing outside balances their excessive passion. It also helps your doggie sleep better at night. Plus, it can prevent depression caused by a lack of mental exercise.

Walking can stimulate your dog's mind. After all, why does your pup get so excited and busy when you take them for a walk? That is because they are exploring a new world for them. They need you to introduce them to new things, scents, and sounds. Watching and playing with all these new things are good mental stimulation for your doggy. It also helps with their socialization. Indeed, walking provides them with the opportunity to meet new animals, with which they interact. Eventually, they can make new friends and become more confident. Exploring the outer world will help the most sensitive puppies avoid autism.

Besides, isn't it a good chance for you and your puppy to bond? Your unavoidable motivation and your dog's potty break will get you out of your couch and allow you to spend good moments with your furry best friend. Just don't forget to pick up your dog's waste and properly dispose of them!

Hygiene Problems and Health Hazards

Although walking is good for your dog, if you don’t pay attention to some hygiene problems, you may come across health hazards for you and your puppy.

Dogs are so curious about everything. They sniff and step on gross things, such as dead bodies, poop, contaminated grass on which another dog has just peed on, or soil with infected phlegm, to name a few. It is inevitable.

In the process, they may come into contact with infection sources. For example, animals with skin diseases or infected soil and grass can put your fur baby at risk. City dogs walk a lot in public parks, where all sorts of animals hang around. For instance, rodents, such as rats, can carry a type of bacteria called leptospirosis. It can pass the disease on to your pooch through urine, which can pose a threat to their kidneys and liver. Veterinarian says that even when dogs hang out in their owners' backyards, they can contract parasites from cats or other animals wandering through the neighborhood.

Another threat to them is public water. Indeed, in the summer, dogs love to play by lakes and ponds. But a dog with a disease may drink from a rain puddle on the street before your puppy drinks it. Your dog can then get a giardia infection, which may lead to chronic intermittent diarrhea.

Dogs will carry the parasites and germs they gathered during a walk. If you don't keep their paws clean enough when you go back home, they can lick the bacteria, such as roundworms and hookworms, and develop an intestinal disease. Besides, you don’t want to be nuzzled by your dog who just sniffed poop.

Another pain point that bothers pet owners is how their dogs’ paws can mess up their furniture. Indeed, you wouldn't be glad if your dog rolled around on your car seat with sticky mud on their body and paws. You also need to make so much effort to get rid of the clayey soil on your new carpet. If you have a baby or another pet at home, there are likely to get infected by the bacteria emanating from the mud when they crawl on the carpet. While your baby doesn't seem bothered by shaking hands with your puppy, you might be. The stinky wet dog smell can also be annoying. Finally, if you live in an apartment, other tenants will not appreciate seeing the muddy paw prints in the elevator and corridors. Thus, you should always clean up your puppy before entering your house, car, and building.

Why Shouldn’t You Bathe Your Dog Every Day?

However, bathing your dog every day can dry out their skin, cause skin irritation, and lead to itching and flaking. Shampoo can also irritate their skin, so don't overuse this product. In addition, bathing your pup too often can drain out the natural oils on their skin, which will dull the shininess of their fur. To produce more oils to protect themselves, they may suffer from skin disorders. So, how often you should wash your dog?

Of course, you might be too busy to wash your doggy every day, and sometimes, your dog doesn't get very dirty after a walk. In this case, you just need to clean some of their body parts, especially the paws and face, where they have picked up most of the yucky things. You don't need to wash your pup every day. The question is - how to clean your dog's paws after a walk?

How To Clean Your Dog After a Walk? Better Solution than Daily Showering

You can bring a pack of grooming gloves when you bring your dog out. It is an innovative product designed to clean your pet on the go.

HICC PET! Pet Glove Wipes are an alternative to bathing to maintain your dog’s hygiene after a walk or after your dog has played outside. The package contains liquid moisturized shampoo that doesn’t require you to rinse or wash your dog. After wipe-grooming, the fur will air dry quickly, and you won't need to blow-dry it. You can dispose of the gloves after use. Easy peasy!

Soak the wipes and put them on before your dog enters your car or house, or whenever you want to clean your puppy, while doing outdoor activities or traveling. Start by wiping around their mouth and nose, with which they performed sniffing. Work toward their back and belly if they are very dirty. Finally, clean off their paws. The wipe is designed with double thickness and won't rip when you clean your dog’s rough paws. Extra essence is added to provide extra cleaning needs for small-to-mid-sized dogs. For a larger dog, you may use two packages. You can always use both sides of the gloves.

The main ingredient, hypochlorous acid, can sanitize and deodorize your pet. It can soothe common skin problems and prevent skin infections caused by bacteria. It also prevents your dog from getting intestinal diseases contracted by licking themselves. Finally, it can also relieve the itch and soothe wound pain, and deodorize your dog if they stink after playing.

The wipe materials are environmentally friendly. HICC PET! is devoted to solving dog owners' cleaning problems after partaking in outdoor activities. We care about the health and hygiene of your pet, you, and your family.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. We are not veterinarians, and the content shared here should not be considered professional veterinary advice.

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