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long hair dog grooming tools

How to Groom a Long-Haired Dog

We love to spoil our dogs because they deserve it. As a pet owner, nothing says I love you like a shiny coat, clean body, and dashing appearance. This season, treat your pooch to some do-it-yourself (DIY) grooming. If you want to learn how to groom a dog, you’ve come to the right place. 

Grooming will vary based on dog breed and coat type. Today, HICC PET™ will focus on long-haired dog grooming and maintaining a clean look. We cover grooming tools for long-haired dogs, how often you should bathe your pup, methods for removing tangles, and happy pup cleansing alternatives. Check out the post and learn how to groom a long-haired dog!

Long Hair Dog Grooming Tools

If you own a long-haired dog, you must groom them daily. Long-haired breeds experience more knots and tangles compared to furry dogs. Without daily coat maintenance, those knots can matte up, requiring a shave or snipping large chunks of hair. To properly groom your long-haired dog, you will need the following tools: 

  • Slicker brush
  • Metal comb 
  • De-matting brush
  • Shampoo for dogs
  • Dog cleaning wipes
  • Detangling spray solution
  • Clippers for dogs 
  • Shears (trimming scissors) 

Some grooming tools for long-haired dogs are safe for daily use, while others are only for deep cleaning. Here is step-by-step instruction on how to use these tools to achieve your dog’s desired look. 

Step 1: Use a Slicker Brush to Prevent Knots and Tangles in Dog Hair 

A slicker brush is a flat or round-head brush with fine teeth. It’s designed to gently remove knots and tangles before they start. Slicker brushes are suitable for all dog breeds and daily use. Remember, long-haired dogs require daily grooming, so investing in a durable brush is essential.

Step 2: Remove Stubborn Knots With a Fine Tooth Comb or a De-matting Brush 

Use a wide metal comb or a de-matting brush for stubborn knots and tangles on long-haired dogs. A wide-tooth metal comb quickly detangles hair. A de-matting brush comes with metal blades that physically cut through any knots or clumps of hair. Both are great options depending on the thickness of your dog’s coat. 

When you find a knot, be as gentle as possible. Simply squeeze the knot between your fingers and use your grooming tool to gently comb the tangle away from your fingers in a downward motion.

For more help, use a dog detangling spray solution to help the comb glide through the follicles. This technique will prevent you from putting pressure on your dog’s skin. Make sure to remove all tangles BEFORE washing your dog to avoid more. What else is needed for long-haired dog grooming?

Step 3: Use a Dog Shampoo if Your Dog Needs a Deep Clean 

Despite popular belief, you should not bathe your dog weekly. Washing a dog frequently will actually dry out its skin, causing irritation. Switch to washing your dog monthly unless it ends up rolling in mud or getting very dirty. Dog-specific shampoos remove soil and other particles that stick to hair and cause matting. Before grabbing anything off the shelf, research pet-specific shampoos. Many dog shampoos contain harmful ingredients, doing more harm than good. 

Step 4: Use Cleaning Wipes for Long-Haired Dogs Instead of Pet Shampoo 

Unless your dog looks filthy, limit how often you bathe them. Instead, try spot-cleaning areas like paws, face, and coat surfaces. Products like dog cleaning wipes help get into hidden places that trap dirt. Many pet wipes are harmful to the eyes and ears. HICC PET™ offers unique pet cleaning wipes safe for use on the eyes, ears, and mouth. Pet cleaning wipes are ideal grooming tools for long-haired dogs. They work as bathing alternatives to keep your dog clean and comfortable without saturating them in water.

Step 5: Use Dog Grooming Clippers or Scissors

After removing all knots and cleansing your dog’s hair, it’s time for a trim. Cutting dog hair is intimidating for some, but not to worry. There are methods for effective grooming, like starting from the back and working your way down, among other techniques. Check out this dog grooming video for an inside look at how to groom a dog.

Should You Trim Long-Haired Dogs?

The short answer is yes. Trimming your dog maintains a clean look and prevents hair from matting frequently. Long hair can look shaggy and drag on the ground. Grooming scissors for long-haired dogs vary from curved, straight, blender, and more. We suggest looking into the different grooming tools to determine the right ones for your pooch.  

Is It Better to Trim a Dog Wet or Dry?

You should trim a dog when the hair is nice and dry. Brushing your dog’s wet hair may cause pain due to tangles. Some professional dog groomers recommend shaving a damp dog, also known as wet shaving, instead of trimming as a simple grooming method. Wet shaving is suitable when dogs are highly soiled, have excessive hair, or only receive a shave annually. 

How Do You Cut Long-Haired Dogs With Scissors?

Trimming with scissors helps in-between shaves or tidying up overgrown areas. To properly groom your dog, follow the instructions below: 

  • Pick a pair of suitable grooming scissors. 
  • Start by trimming around the foot. 
  • Keep the tip of the shears close to the ground to avoid hurting your dog. 
  • Cut with a continuous motion to prevent uneven snips. 
  • If you use dog grooming clippers, begin at the back of the neck and work your way down with medium speed. 
  • Groom in the direction of hair growth. If you go against the grain, the hair will look choppy.  

The Difference Between Dog Fur and Dog Hair

Dogs are born with either hair or fur. Both hair types are made from the same growth proteins known as keratin. Although they pose similarities, grooming techniques will vary per breed. Dog fur is shorter, compact, and more coarse compared to hair. Dog hair has fewer layers than fur, making it smoother and finer. Dogs with hair shed less, leading to more knots and tangles. Dogs with thick fur do not require as much grooming but still require brushing to maintain excessive shedding. 

What Should You Not Do When Grooming a Dog?

Dog grooming is straightforward, and even beginners can learn complex grooming tasks. Nevertheless, you should avoid a few things when grooming a dog to prevent pain or infections. Avoid the following when grooming your long-haired dog: 

  • Bathing often 
  • Washing the eyes or inside the ears
  • Using rusty or dull trimming tools 
  • Brushing your dog when wet

Which Dogs Should Not Be Clipped? 

Certain dogs should not be shaved due to myths that shaving will keep them cool from the sun. Dogs with fur are naturally protected from heat since their fur acts as an insulator. Shaving allows the heat to penetrate the skin quickly, causing sunburns, skin irritations, and even injury. Double-coated dogs, such as Huskies, have two coat layers, while some have just one. Shaving a dog with fur may lead to permanent coat damage if the dog is unevenly trimmed. Avoid shaving the listed pets below. Instead, try other grooming tools for long-haired dogs, like de-shedding brushes or trims every few months. The following breeds are a few examples of  dog breeds that should be not be shaved due to their double coat: 

  • German Shepards
  • Huskies
  • Golden retrievers 
  • Chow Chow
  • Labrador retrievers

Use HICC PET™ Grooming Products for All Dogs Breeds

HICC PET™ products fit all dog breeds, whether your dog has hair or fur. Our pet grooming gloves work to cleanse, deodorize, and remove loose hair that gets clumped or tangled. Dander collects in dog hair, causing knots and matting over time. The best part is they are safe for sensitive areas like the eyes and ears. You can learn how to groom a dog just like professionals with HICC PET grooming gloves and massage brushes. Our innovative products cleanse and absorb deep into the skin to prevent infections and reduce itching from allergies. For more high-quality pet products and pet grooming tips, visit us online and subscribe.

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